
Interesting Job offer

This company reaches out to me last March, say they want to interview for an overseas position. 1st interview goes great says they will be in touch. Mid august recruiter calls in a hurry says there’s a position for me an I willing to move to Arizona from Florida, doesn’t give any info on position or pay. Rushes me to give an answer. Spends 3 days randomly calling me asking 2-3 questions and hangs up. Hear from them again in Feb that they want the president of company to interview me I wait two hours in meeting lobby no one shows. Recruiter calls me again rushing me asking for availability for another call. We agree to next day 6 pm, president doesn’t show up some pm does and doesn’t even know what position. Take another interview this time with another pm also doesn’t know position or title. Week later 8pm…

This company reaches out to me last March, say they want to interview for an overseas position. 1st interview goes great says they will be in touch. Mid august recruiter calls in a hurry says there’s a position for me an I willing to move to Arizona from Florida, doesn’t give any info on position or pay. Rushes me to give an answer. Spends 3 days randomly calling me asking 2-3 questions and hangs up. Hear from them again in Feb that they want the president of company to interview me I wait two hours in meeting lobby no one shows. Recruiter calls me again rushing me asking for availability for another call. We agree to next day 6 pm, president doesn’t show up some pm does and doesn’t even know what position. Take another interview this time with another pm also doesn’t know position or title. Week later 8pm interview with president of company says owner knows me and he was told by owner to make sure I’m hired. I give him my availability and desired pay. March 31st 2022 I get a call from recruiter at 1pm asking for address that an offer letter will be sent. I get the offer letter at 1 am. 30% less than national average for position, no relocation assistance from Florida to Arizona, start date in 10 days. Position is still unclear, travel is 70% worldwide.

I have a 3 year and a wife how can someone expect me to move across the country, find a place to live, find a day care to then travel 70% of the time, leave my wife and child alone in a city they don’t know for weeks/months at a time.

I wanted to respond with so much things just raised respectfully decline. They have no respect for me as a potential employee imagine me being an actual employee. This a 300 million dollar company. So sloppy and unprofessional

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