
how little they actually value you as their ” star employee”

Friend of mine has worked warehouse for a while. He's one of the fastest and has the best numbers he's capped at pay I believe since he's worked there for years. According to his review he's 14 percent faster than everyone else. This dude was rewarded by getting a 5 minute longer lunch. That's so insulting. If you're 14 percent faster you deserve 14 percent more or a paid day off or a meal or some shit. What they gave him cost the company nothing. Even if he made 30 an hour which he doesn't they gave him 2.50. The disrespect id never work that hard for them again. Problem is now they know he can do that kinda pace and his productivity is based on that. Punished for being good there's absolutely no incentive to work fast unless you're self employed and making yourself money

Friend of mine has worked warehouse for a while. He's one of the fastest and has the best numbers he's capped at pay I believe since he's worked there for years. According to his review he's 14 percent faster than everyone else. This dude was rewarded by getting a 5 minute longer lunch. That's so insulting. If you're 14 percent faster you deserve 14 percent more or a paid day off or a meal or some shit. What they gave him cost the company nothing. Even if he made 30 an hour which he doesn't they gave him 2.50. The disrespect id never work that hard for them again. Problem is now they know he can do that kinda pace and his productivity is based on that. Punished for being good there's absolutely no incentive to work fast unless you're self employed and making yourself money

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