
How to deal with co workers and manager who get passive aggressive when I politely tell them no to unreasonable requests?

Manager at work pushed me to work 84 hours per week at work, 12 hour shifts with no breaks. I politely told him no, I can only work 65-72 hours per week maximum. He went as far as calling me names, blocking me and putting me down. Co worker also does the same. He asked me to be his referee for a University application. The application form clearly states that I need to know him for 2 years but I’ve only known him for 2 weeks. He expected me to lie for him. When I politely told him no, he became very passive aggressive, hostile at work, and ignoring/blocking me. Same co worker expected me to complete all tasks within 5 minutes which is too big of an ask compared to current industry standards. He blamed the situation on me, and when I stood up for myself, he again became…

Manager at work pushed me to work 84 hours per week at work, 12 hour shifts with no breaks. I politely told him no, I can only work 65-72 hours per week maximum. He went as far as calling me names, blocking me and putting me down.

Co worker also does the same. He asked me to be his referee for a University application. The application form clearly states that I need to know him for 2 years but I’ve only known him for 2 weeks. He expected me to lie for him. When I politely told him no, he became very passive aggressive, hostile at work, and ignoring/blocking me. Same co worker expected me to complete all tasks within 5 minutes which is too big of an ask compared to current industry standards. He blamed the situation on me, and when I stood up for myself, he again became passive aggressive.

Both co workers (especially the manager) always blames others for their wrongdoings and never admits fault either.

How do I deal with co workers like these? Thanks

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