
Rich living Richer

I took a day cruise in Fort Lauderdale today. It was a cruise of the millionaire homes in the area. However as we toured the announcer showed us several homes of billionaires. The founders of Walgreens, pet supermarket, I honestly can't remember all but it was quite a few. The homes were already enough to show how lavish these people live but what REALLY floored me were the yachts. Yachts as high as 20, 50, 80, and 90 million dollars! People are out here working and starving, working and homeless and working and all their money is going to bills and fees while these guys have yachts worth the value of thousands of homes. They are working people to death paying them next to nothing while people are literally homeless a few blocks away. People call this capitalism. But no it's sheer greed and exploitation.

I took a day cruise in Fort Lauderdale today. It was a cruise of the millionaire homes in the area. However as we toured the announcer showed us several homes of billionaires. The founders of Walgreens, pet supermarket, I honestly can't remember all but it was quite a few. The homes were already enough to show how lavish these people live but what REALLY floored me were the yachts. Yachts as high as 20, 50, 80, and 90 million dollars! People are out here working and starving, working and homeless and working and all their money is going to bills and fees while these guys have yachts worth the value of thousands of homes. They are working people to death paying them next to nothing while people are literally homeless a few blocks away. People call this capitalism. But no it's sheer greed and exploitation.

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