
Old job wants me back after lay-off (rant)

Long story short I got laid off due to covid. Many waves of lay offs happened and I survived until June of last year. Needless to say it's been difficult but I'm still blessed in many ways. That job was the absolute worst place. No raise for two years. Worker ant mentality everything was micro managed, machine run times, I have to announce that I'm going to the restroom like a school kid. I usually got the shitty jobs meaning seconds run time with minutes to set up (machinist) while everyone else got long process jobs and would relax while calling me lazy. Management constantly led me on about opportunities. For one year straight I was promised a better position. I have a disability so one instance they were saying you have a disability can you do the job? (It has never gotten in the way of ANYTHING) that offended…

Long story short I got laid off due to covid. Many waves of lay offs happened and I survived until June of last year. Needless to say it's been difficult but I'm still blessed in many ways.

That job was the absolute worst place. No raise for two years. Worker ant mentality everything was micro managed, machine run times, I have to announce that I'm going to the restroom like a school kid. I usually got the shitty jobs meaning seconds run time with minutes to set up (machinist) while everyone else got long process jobs and would relax while calling me lazy.

Management constantly led me on about opportunities. For one year straight I was promised a better position. I have a disability so one instance they were saying you have a disability can you do the job? (It has never gotten in the way of ANYTHING) that offended me.

Coworkers. The most toxic environment I've ever worked in. Everybody talked shit about eachother to eachothers faces and worse behind their backs. Coworkers would intermingle and cheat on their spouses. Even my disability was the bud of jokes VERY often. It got to the point where I wanted to lay hands on these disrespectful assholes.

There was a few good eggs there, one of them has been trying to get me to come back but although it sucks being jobless being broke I have too much respect for myself to return to that place. That place broke me in so many ways. I can't bring myself to justify going back. Fuck that place. Fuck manufacturing. Fuck being a machinist. I'd rather struggle for a bit more until I land a web developer job. Am I wrong for feeling this way?

Edit: forgot to mention that I've been taking online classes since I got laid off and have begun my journey into getting hired. Hence why I haven't been worried too much about returning to that field.

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