
I’m going to be so done with my job soon

3 months and I really can't wait to be done of it. I've been at my full time job as a custodian for 10 months this week. The worst kind of custodial jobs to work and take is ones at schools. Where, you're subjected to be fired by generally anyone. Your supervisor, the head custodian. The other supervisor, the maintenance director. You've got all of these other directors that can get you fired by complaining. You've got teachers who you clean after that could do the same if enough complaints are received. Students can definitely get you fired over anything if they want to put the effort into it. It's as bad as being in a Wal-Mart and answering to a handful of bosses. Because at a school, everyone to some degree, is your boss. It's a demeaning and a degrading kind of feel that discourages you trying to put…

3 months and I really can't wait to be done of it. I've been at my full time job as a custodian for 10 months this week. The worst kind of custodial jobs to work and take is ones at schools. Where, you're subjected to be fired by generally anyone. Your supervisor, the head custodian. The other supervisor, the maintenance director. You've got all of these other directors that can get you fired by complaining. You've got teachers who you clean after that could do the same if enough complaints are received. Students can definitely get you fired over anything if they want to put the effort into it.

It's as bad as being in a Wal-Mart and answering to a handful of bosses. Because at a school, everyone to some degree, is your boss. It's a demeaning and a degrading kind of feel that discourages you trying to put the best you can towards the job.

These days, the only things keeping me together is energy drinks and drinking lots of coffee. It's an unhealthy way of keeping me going but it's what's doing it. I've developed lots of bad eating habits to deal with the stresses of working under such a condition.

It's even worse when you have a system to work in that makes no sense. We have a unification system where 5 schools are unified together under this one banner, where someone is on top of the chain of command to manage all of it.

And our school is one of the biggest in the state, which means, we have 4 lesser schools sapping our resources including pulling some of our staff to cover their positions because they can't for the life of them, hire even one custodian or have anyone reliable on hand. That's more stress.

These rickety ass schools off in the middle of no where, because someone turned their barn or something, into a school so now we have to tend to that.

The benefits suck, the hours drag on, the schedule sucks and it's harder for me to justify the commute to get to the school. I don't live that far from it, but my state is so fucking slow at working on their roads, that I have to endure a shit amount of bumps back and to the school that I'm probably going to accumulate car repairs that my pay barely covers.

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