
The Push for “Record Profits” at all times needs to be stopped, companies using that term should be investigated immediately

The world economy is on its ass from covid, people across the world are struggling, yet companies are STILL pushing for this “Record Profits” thing. Countries are also expected to constantly be growing their GDP, but why? Why must everything be a constant improvement and growth? Why cant we just be happy with what we have, and start focusing on important things, like social welfare, societal health. In times of turmoil and suffering, any excess money created by any corporations should be immediately funnelled back into the communities that so desperately need them. Record profits are fine, as long as they are sourced from positive means, like innovation, efficiency, progress, not price gouging, lowering quality of life of employees, making products smaller, thats anti-progress. The corporate world has become obsessed with growth for the sake of growth, and forgotten what actual societal progress entails. We need to re-teach them that…

The world economy is on its ass from covid, people across the world are struggling, yet companies are STILL pushing for this “Record Profits” thing. Countries are also expected to constantly be growing their GDP, but why? Why must everything be a constant improvement and growth? Why cant we just be happy with what we have, and start focusing on important things, like social welfare, societal health.

In times of turmoil and suffering, any excess money created by any corporations should be immediately funnelled back into the communities that so desperately need them.

Record profits are fine, as long as they are sourced from positive means, like innovation, efficiency, progress, not price gouging, lowering quality of life of employees, making products smaller, thats anti-progress.

The corporate world has become obsessed with growth for the sake of growth, and forgotten what actual societal progress entails. We need to re-teach them that lining the pockets of the already ultra-rich is the antithesis of progress. Progress means the lives of the workers and society improve together with company growth.

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