
“I can work 60hrs, why can’t you?”

Small Rant on mobile Background: I got a job at a nonprofit, I really enjoy the mission and what we do educational wise. Though we have been constantly fighting to raise the wages – you start at $10 and in 6 months you get a raise to $13 (and yes this place “prefers” degrees – of which I have two that directly correlates to the position). That being said this is my second part time job, the other is retail for $15/hr, and I’ve been keeping my eye out for higher paying nonprofit positions. I finally found one that I managed to get an offer from for $16 and I gladly accepted. Though now I am working 6 days a week at about 55hrs. Knowing myself as an autistic/adhd person, this is simply not sustainable and I will have meltdowns more often, trying to avoid that and have at least…

Small Rant on mobile
I got a job at a nonprofit, I really enjoy the mission and what we do educational wise. Though we have been constantly fighting to raise the wages – you start at $10 and in 6 months you get a raise to $13 (and yes this place “prefers” degrees – of which I have two that directly correlates to the position).
That being said this is my second part time job, the other is retail for $15/hr, and I’ve been keeping my eye out for higher paying nonprofit positions.

I finally found one that I managed to get an offer from for $16 and I gladly accepted. Though now I am working 6 days a week at about 55hrs. Knowing myself as an autistic/adhd person, this is simply not sustainable and I will have meltdowns more often, trying to avoid that and have at least two days off I requested my $13/hr job to schedule me less hours.

The response I got from my manager was annoyance. “I guess as a first generation American of immigrants, I’m just use to working 60+hrs and grinding” she then goes on to ask why I don’t just quit my retail job ($15/hr) to have more time in my schedule.

I wanted to laugh, I was asking so that I wouldn’t outright quit this job! Why would I keep the lowest paying position at a place that doesn’t even respect/value me (I have more on that but that’s another time).
So I’m now contemplating putting in my two weeks after I officially have my first day at the new job, and although I am not the biggest fan of retail I’m at least respected and paid more (oddly enough).

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