
Going to work makes me feel sick

I can’t handle it anymore. I’ll spend 4 days off but once I’m on my last day off, I’m put in panic mode and it makes me sick. I can’t stand working. I can’t stand it. No matter what job I do I can’t handle it. I absolutely abhor driving to and from work 30/40 minute drive. My job treats me like a robot and I have to do so much physical labor it’s borderline unreal. I’ll have nightmares during sleep over it all.

I can’t handle it anymore. I’ll spend 4 days off but once I’m on my last day off, I’m put in panic mode and it makes me sick. I can’t stand working. I can’t stand it. No matter what job I do I can’t handle it. I absolutely abhor driving to and from work 30/40 minute drive. My job treats me like a robot and I have to do so much physical labor it’s borderline unreal. I’ll have nightmares during sleep over it all.

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