
So what if people “don’t want to work any more”?

We've spent a lot of time trying to explain to people that people do want to work, we just don't want to work for starvation wages. But you know what? So the fuck what if people don't want to work anymore!? You are not entitled to labor for your business! If people don't want to work for you, that is on you as the employer. You are on the demand side of the labor market, you're in the market to acquire some labor. You are subject to the same market forces as anyone else on the demand curve of a product are service. You don't get to change the rules of capitalism once you find yourself on the losing end, you entitled pricks! Saying “people don't wanna work” is the same as going into McDonald's, throwing a couple of pennies on the counter and saying “Give me 3 Big Macs!”…

We've spent a lot of time trying to explain to people that people do want to work, we just don't want to work for starvation wages.

But you know what? So the fuck what if people don't want to work anymore!? You are not entitled to labor for your business! If people don't want to work for you, that is on you as the employer. You are on the demand side of the labor market, you're in the market to acquire some labor. You are subject to the same market forces as anyone else on the demand curve of a product are service. You don't get to change the rules of capitalism once you find yourself on the losing end, you entitled pricks!

Saying “people don't wanna work” is the same as going into McDonald's, throwing a couple of pennies on the counter and saying “Give me 3 Big Macs!” and when they ask for more at a price they want to sell it for, you say “No body wants to sell me food any more!”

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