
Underage Kids getting exploited and dying during obligatory internships in Italy

Hello, I’m an Italian high school student and I wanted to talk about what’s happening here. Basically, in 2015 a bullshit law was emanated that to graduate from high school kids have to complete a certain amount of hours of unpaid work, in some schools the students can pick where and in others the school will choose. The intention was to teach proper work ethic and to allow us to learn some skills, but in reality we ended up getting exploited by private companies and learning absolutely nothing. I was lucky and had a good experience (volunteer work) but my classmates ended up spending 90 hours printing files or flipping burgers. But guess what? This month two students DIED on the job, and dozens have been injured these last years. They died because they were forced to work in unsafe conditions, for goddamn free. They were 16 and 18, working…

Hello, I’m an Italian high school student and I wanted to talk about what’s happening here. Basically, in 2015 a bullshit law was emanated that to graduate from high school kids have to complete a certain amount of hours of unpaid work, in some schools the students can pick where and in others the school will choose. The intention was to teach proper work ethic and to allow us to learn some skills, but in reality we ended up getting exploited by private companies and learning absolutely nothing. I was lucky and had a good experience (volunteer work) but my classmates ended up spending 90 hours printing files or flipping burgers. But guess what? This month two students DIED on the job, and dozens have been injured these last years. They died because they were forced to work in unsafe conditions, for goddamn free. They were 16 and 18, working in factories. The only thing they are teaching us is to shut up and be exploited as we will be as adults. We’ve been protesting and police has been beating the shit out of us. Another protest this Friday, wish us good luck.

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