
What can I do instead of working to support myself?

I need a minimum of £750 a month to survive. It covers my mortgage payment (I'm single so no rebates), food (only 2 meals a day), bills (not optional), council tax (not optional), internet (The cheapest, nastiest internet you can imagine), grounds maintenance (not optional) and a little something for me (maybe one takeaway a month or maybe a new piece of clothing to replace something threadbare). Any ideas on how to make this kinda money without working? I virtually have no skillsets. I can't do anything customer facing because I have PTSD and Anxiety (both medically diagnosed) surrounding people (I was bullied relentlessly until I was 20). I'm also Autistic and have ADHD (so anything involving construction noise or labour on a building site is a no-no due to the sensory overload). I am not a good writer or graphic artist so can't freelance in that respect. I can't…

I need a minimum of £750 a month to survive.

It covers my mortgage payment (I'm single so no rebates), food (only 2 meals a day), bills (not optional), council tax (not optional), internet (The cheapest, nastiest internet you can imagine), grounds maintenance (not optional) and a little something for me (maybe one takeaway a month or maybe a new piece of clothing to replace something threadbare).

Any ideas on how to make this kinda money without working? I virtually have no skillsets. I can't do anything customer facing because I have PTSD and Anxiety (both medically diagnosed) surrounding people (I was bullied relentlessly until I was 20). I'm also Autistic and have ADHD (so anything involving construction noise or labour on a building site is a no-no due to the sensory overload).

I am not a good writer or graphic artist so can't freelance in that respect. I can't draw. I can't fix things. I'm not a competent gardener or landscaper. I can't make trinkets and pretty things. I can barely cook (up to my poor taste anyways).

The only hobby/ skill I have is playing guitar and writing songs but I can't write sheet music, record or mix them so there's no output for that and spending money on a studio engineer would cost too much. Also remember I can't go back into education to learn this stuff because of the PTSD. Anything that resembles learning, or being a student, or learning just gives me the sweats and brings back those unpleasant times to live through all again.

Also the chances of me making any money off a song are slim. I might get 20p from Spotify if Beyonce decided she wanted my song to drown a cat over the top of… and that's unlikely. It would also negate the hundreds of pounds spent on the studio and a professional engineer.

I have no partner. No friends. No support. No Medical Support (outside of my many medications that all just seem to interact with each other rather than me). No benefits (PIP refused me on multiple accounts as they don't take mental health as seriously as physical disabilities).

I'm just struggling to see what value I actually add to society if I don't sit behind the desk doing repetitive marketing and data entry crap for less than minimum wage for eternity.

What do I do?

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