
Can my manager legally take your phone from you in the U

Recently our manager told is that because of a few people taking liberties and being on their phone a lot on shift that they are going to start confiscating phones before the shifts start and if we refuse we'd be sent home without pay. Is this something they can legally do? I'm rarely ever on mine on shift unless it's exceptionally quiet but I like to have it on me in case of someone needing to urgently get a hold of me

Recently our manager told is that because of a few people taking liberties and being on their phone a lot on shift that they are going to start confiscating phones before the shifts start and if we refuse we'd be sent home without pay. Is this something they can legally do? I'm rarely ever on mine on shift unless it's exceptionally quiet but I like to have it on me in case of someone needing to urgently get a hold of me

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