
The customer is always WRONG

I've already put in my two weeks but that doesnt stop customers being the absolute worst people in the fucking world. Yes managers are shitty, yes coworkers are shitty, but there is nothing worse than a customer yelling at you for something that they are wrong about! Yesterday I was telling some guy that he can't pay X price on something if he adds X to it. It will be a different item and therefore cost way more. “But someone did it last time and it was no problem” I don't care, they were wrong, I don't know you, you are rude. He then proceeds to cuss me out and say he, “doesn't fucking care, just do it” Theeeennnn my shift lead pulls out the “I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry” to him when I we have literally nothing to be sorry for. This asshole was in the wrong and…

I've already put in my two weeks but that doesnt stop customers being the absolute worst people in the fucking world. Yes managers are shitty, yes coworkers are shitty, but there is nothing worse than a customer yelling at you for something that they are wrong about!

Yesterday I was telling some guy that he can't pay X price on something if he adds X to it. It will be a different item and therefore cost way more.

“But someone did it last time and it was no problem”

I don't care, they were wrong, I don't know you, you are rude.

He then proceeds to cuss me out and say he, “doesn't fucking care, just do it”

Theeeennnn my shift lead pulls out the “I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry” to him when I we have literally nothing to be sorry for. This asshole was in the wrong and cussed me out and he is apologizing? So insulting. (I know if my other shift lead was here he would have told him to GTFO)

Yes, getting more pay is definitely what we need, but there has to be a full societal change in how people treat workers. There is only so much abuse that we can take all while being paid pennies to do it.

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