
It feels like we’re all talk

We make posts about civil disobedience all the tome, we make these plans to do it, but it seems to never happen. With the internet, we have a bigger platform than ever to organize these events on, much better than our predecessors did. Yet, we can't seem do organize, strike, and do civil disobedience at the same level. What happened? There's over a million of us. We constantly talk a big talk, we bark, yet never bite. I see so many posts about how we need to stand up against the evil coroporations, and our government who's supporting them, even a whole sub based on one strike, but it never happens. The majority of us here are Americans, protest is something we've been good at since the founding of our country. Are we really too beaten down & supressed to even fight for what we believe in?

We make posts about civil disobedience all the tome, we make these plans to do it, but it seems to never happen. With the internet, we have a bigger platform than ever to organize these events on, much better than our predecessors did.

Yet, we can't seem do organize, strike, and do civil disobedience at the same level. What happened? There's over a million of us. We constantly talk a big talk, we bark, yet never bite. I see so many posts about how we need to stand up against the evil coroporations, and our government who's supporting them, even a whole sub based on one strike, but it never happens.

The majority of us here are Americans, protest is something we've been good at since the founding of our country. Are we really too beaten down & supressed to even fight for what we believe in?

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