
Reminder: Company loyalty is a lie

Companies will say they strive for company loyalty or a network of employees who are loyal to their company, but its a complete and utter lie. There are three main reasons for this: “Company loyalty” does not benefit workers whatsoever. You are not married to this company. If there is a better job offer, take it. Do not feel as though you are betraying your job, even if you like it and management is good. You can keep your connections and make more money in a better environment, and even get more references for the future as well as experience. By subscribing to “company loyalty” mantra, you are shooting yourself in the foot atleast financially. Companies don't care if you are or are not loyal at all. If you are, they'll mine you for all you've got and feel comfortable that you won't quit despite the quality of your work.…

Companies will say they strive for company loyalty or a network of employees who are loyal to their company, but its a complete and utter lie. There are three main reasons for this:

  1. “Company loyalty” does not benefit workers whatsoever. You are not married to this company. If there is a better job offer, take it. Do not feel as though you are betraying your job, even if you like it and management is good. You can keep your connections and make more money in a better environment, and even get more references for the future as well as experience. By subscribing to “company loyalty” mantra, you are shooting yourself in the foot atleast financially.

  2. Companies don't care if you are or are not loyal at all. If you are, they'll mine you for all you've got and feel comfortable that you won't quit despite the quality of your work. If you aren't loyal, they'll have you replaced in under 2 weeks with some fresh meat who they'll hope is naive enough to buy into their “company loyalty” shit. They will forget you even exist the second you walk out the door with your things. They might pretend to care, but trust me, they don't. The impact on the individual is ALWAYS greater than that of the company, so don't believe the lies. Besides, why take shit from someone who's not even willing to read your name tag?

  3. Everything a company does “for you” is actually for them, to further manipulate you into staying “loyal”. I'm talking benefits, free lunch, long breaks etc.

Benefits, like health insurance, cover THEIR ass in the event that you become injured. They know you aren't paid enough to handle your broken foot, so they cover 50% of your care to get you working again sooner, and you still have to shell out thousands of dollars. So now you're broke, thankful to the company, and willing to work outrageous hours to make up for lost cash. Win for the company, huge loss for you.

Free food and lunch sounds great until you check the expiration dates (which are always past due) and realize that if you didn't eat it, that sandwich was going to the garbage anyway. Congratulations, you've just become a glorified food dumpster.

Long breaks benefit the employer because it increases the chances that people will not leave as they don't believe they can get this treatment somewhere else, as well as reducing the chances of injury due to overextertion. They also use this to entice job hunters to fall into their trap because it sounds good. As a byproduct they usually make the shifts longer to account for the lost time & make you clock out for your breaks. “Wow! An hour where im not being paid but still have to be at work, all while eating hard bread and drinking expired coffee! What a great job!” In the end, they come out on top. Meanwhile you are still physically/mentally exhausted, and gaslighted into believing that you are treated well and cared for. You are not.

Do not make the mistake of applying emotions and empathy to a company; personifying it is how managers are trained to guilt you into staying in jobs that are stressful, understaffed and underpaid. For those of you who read this whole long winded essay, Im sure you all know this already, but i did want to give my personal thoughts on this.

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