
Ur plight is not new

Seriously. People that make bad decisions, no decisions or just skirt what they are supposed to do constantly have always been used as cheap labor. People that don't stand up for themselves will always be taken advantage of because human beings suck….example…there are people ot there trying to steal all the money ur grandma has left. If u don't have goals or a plan u are just fodder for the machine ur whining is a joke. Go get urs. Shut down shitty bosses, demand what ur worth…but also, like tinder…make sure u are shopping in ur wheelhouse

Seriously. People that make bad decisions, no decisions or just skirt what they are supposed to do constantly have always been used as cheap labor. People that don't stand up for themselves will always be taken advantage of because human beings suck….example…there are people ot there trying to steal all the money ur grandma has left. If u don't have goals or a plan u are just fodder for the machine ur whining is a joke. Go get urs. Shut down shitty bosses, demand what ur worth…but also, like tinder…make sure u are shopping in ur wheelhouse

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