
Should I hold the higher-up that caused me to have a full mental breakdown accountable?

I work at a chain business. At the beginning of this year I transferred to a location closer to my home because 1. I wanted a shorter commute and 2. the district manager in charge of our location made our lives such a living hell that I felt it impossible to stay. I don't want to go too into detail about what happened but this person was snotty with their daily communication about metrics we had to hit, we were chronically understaffed and frequently had to ask to shut down certain operations within our location in order to keep the location afloat without closing altogether. Their response to us asking this was always “Absolutely not. And do not let this happen again.” Sometimes we would close certain operations anyway, because it simply was not possible to operate without staff. When the hiring manager alerted this DM that she did not…

I work at a chain business. At the beginning of this year I transferred to a location closer to my home because 1. I wanted a shorter commute and 2. the district manager in charge of our location made our lives such a living hell that I felt it impossible to stay.

I don't want to go too into detail about what happened but this person was snotty with their daily communication about metrics we had to hit, we were chronically understaffed and frequently had to ask to shut down certain operations within our location in order to keep the location afloat without closing altogether. Their response to us asking this was always “Absolutely not. And do not let this happen again.” Sometimes we would close certain operations anyway, because it simply was not possible to operate without staff. When the hiring manager alerted this DM that she did not have the clearance within our system to ACTUALLY hire people the DM's response was always “I'll take care of it,” and yet it went un-taken care of for months. We literally could not hire people and were working with a barebones skeleton crew for 4 months before I left. My boss left right after me because of the DM's treatment (we were 2/3 of the most essential employees to keep the place running) following a report I made anonymously against the DM for the conditions they forced us to work in.

These circumstances led to me nearly being hospitalized in late January. It all caught up with me and I was severely depressed, suicidal, experiencing hallucinations and unable to sleep. I ended up going to an outpatient treatment center and received the help I needed. I've healed a lot since then but I find myself still angry that this one moron's neglect almost caused me to take my own life. I am moving soon and will be getting a new job but what I want to do is write a letter explaining that the way they treated us was unacceptable and what harm they did to me indirectly. This monster needs to be held accountable. I would be sending this anonymously over text using a fake phone number after I switch jobs and have no ties to the previous one.

Should I do it?

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