
Doctor’s note for work

So I have a very unethical supervisor who is targeting me and only me because she doesn't like me for whatever reason. The people, mainly men, she likes take breaks and long breaks all the time up to an hour. I don't take advantage or kiss her butt so she targets me. I have a condition that requires frequent breaks not diagnosed as IBS yet though but in treatment for this condition so my doctor wrote a note that says something like this, “Ms. Jane Doe, DOB 01/01/1900 is under my care and has a medical condition that would be benefit from using longer bathroom breaks at work. Please accomodate her request to prevent recurrence.” I told the doctor I had frequent and sometimes longer bathroom breaks. Should I ask them to amend this or just send this off to HR? I also wonder if my direct supervisors will get…

So I have a very unethical supervisor who is targeting me and only me because she doesn't like me for whatever reason. The people, mainly men, she likes take breaks and long breaks all the time up to an hour. I don't take advantage or kiss her butt so she targets me. I have a condition that requires frequent breaks not diagnosed as IBS yet though but in treatment for this condition so my doctor wrote a note that says something like this, “Ms. Jane Doe, DOB 01/01/1900 is under my care and has a medical condition that would be benefit from using longer bathroom breaks at work. Please accomodate her request to prevent recurrence.”

I told the doctor I had frequent and sometimes longer bathroom breaks. Should I ask them to amend this or just send this off to HR? I also wonder if my direct supervisors will get this note and I could be a target of ageism or become more of a target?

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