
Fired for doing my job

I have been working in an IT Analyst role for a financial company for 4 years. A few weeks ago, apropos of nothing, all my login credentials were revoked and I was suspended without the manager providing any cause. The following week I was asked to come into the office where I met with an HR rep. I was told it was my last day on the job. I got my severance package and was asked to collect my stuff. I asked why I was being terminated. I was told I had implemented changes to the endpoint management system without going through the approval process. What effing approval process?? No one told me about any approval process. It is my job to apply policies to our endpoints and remediate security vulnerabilities on all Windows machines in the company and that's what I've been doing. I don't know about any SOP…

I have been working in an IT Analyst role for a financial company for 4 years. A few weeks ago, apropos of nothing, all my login credentials were revoked and I was suspended without the manager providing any cause. The following week I was asked to come into the office where I met with an HR rep. I was told it was my last day on the job. I got my severance package and was asked to collect my stuff. I asked why I was being terminated. I was told I had implemented changes to the endpoint management system without going through the approval process.

What effing approval process?? No one told me about any approval process. It is my job to apply policies to our endpoints and remediate security vulnerabilities on all Windows machines in the company and that's what I've been doing. I don't know about any SOP for requesting approval. I got fired for jumping over red tape that I did not even know was there.

To be clear, they could have fired me for habitual lateness or knocking off early or wasting time at my desk being unproductive for hours. Instead, I'm fired for doing the job I was hired to do.

I'm supposed to be job hunting while collecting my severance. But I don't know if I have it in me. Am I going to get fired for taking initiative at my next job? Or will I be fired for slacking off? I don't know.

How can I just not work ever again?

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