
Just got asked to do a trial shift in the UK

Employer: Hi [My Name] yes we will provide you a jacket ,apron and gloves but not shoes and trousers. Thank Can you please confirm that you will attend the trial on Monday 4pm? Thanks Me: Sure, how long will I be working for and will I be paid? Also, any particular trousers you want? I'm very tall and so it might be difficult to find some that work due to my height. Any of you guys got any more advice to avoid being exploited? I've done trial shifts before where I've worked and it feels really exploitative.


Hi [My Name] yes we will provide you a jacket ,apron and gloves but not shoes and trousers. Thank

Can you please confirm that you will attend the trial on Monday 4pm? Thanks


Sure, how long will I be working for and will I be paid? Also, any particular trousers you want? I'm very tall and so it might be difficult to find some that work due to my height.

Any of you guys got any more advice to avoid being exploited? I've done trial shifts before where I've worked and it feels really exploitative.

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