
My Manager shows up to work with COVID (when he knew he had it) and I caught it.

I’m from Melbourne, Australia and I work at a Trucking Depot. This past Tuesday, my workaholic boomer manager rocks up to work with COVID knowing he had it and decided he wanted to sit in his car on his phone doing work-related stuff like answering e-mails and calling up other coworkers telling them what needed to be done etc. – which is obviously ridiculous because he could’ve done all that from home. 2 co-workers told me what he was doing; And I decide to report him. I saw him on two occasions get out of his car to 1) go to the men’s toilet, which is inside the warehouse right next to the lunchroom and 2) get out of his car to speak to our shift supervisor. I find a safe spot to hop on my phone and report him (There are security cameras everywhere at my workplace, except the…

I’m from Melbourne, Australia and I work at a Trucking Depot.

This past Tuesday, my workaholic boomer manager rocks up to work with COVID knowing he had it and decided he wanted to sit in his car on his phone doing work-related stuff like answering e-mails and calling up other coworkers telling them what needed to be done etc. – which is obviously ridiculous because he could’ve done all that from home.

2 co-workers told me what he was doing; And I decide to report him. I saw him on two occasions get out of his car to 1) go to the men’s toilet, which is inside the warehouse right next to the lunchroom and 2) get out of his car to speak to our shift supervisor.

I find a safe spot to hop on my phone and report him (There are security cameras everywhere at my workplace, except the toilets and at the very back of our yard)

I reported him to Work-safe, the Health Department and the Police. I then asked my Leading hand why our manager had COVID still showed up. He said that he shouldn’t be here, and I said I am going home because he is creating an unsafe working environment.

Edit 1 : We usually have 8-9 people working on day shift and 2 weeks ago we only had 3 workers at work doing the work of 8-9 people because everybody else caught covid and had to isolate for 7 days.

Edit 2 :One of the guys that caught COVID, My Leading Hand still told him he had to come into work and work on a truck by himself wearing a mask. Which is non-sense because unloading/loading a truck is at minimum a 2-person job.

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