

I am not in an industry where I am usually cleaning up messes in bathrooms, let alone my boss’s shit. Think office type job. Nor am I really opposed to cleaning up messes – you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes. But this was too much and definitely not my job. But this wasn’t in the bathroom. Oh no, this was in the middle of the office floor. First off, let’s get something straight: I despise this man. From the very beginning of my job he would belittle me and expected me to read his mind when it came to doing work for him bc he rarely ever gave me something to do, then complains that I’m not looking out for the company when I’ve been working pretty damn hard to do what I was brought on to do. Not to mention he spouts republican bullshit about the left…

I am not in an industry where I am usually cleaning up messes in bathrooms, let alone my boss’s shit. Think office type job. Nor am I really opposed to cleaning up messes – you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes. But this was too much and definitely not my job.

But this wasn’t in the bathroom. Oh no, this was in the middle of the office floor.

First off, let’s get something straight: I despise this man. From the very beginning of my job he would belittle me and expected me to read his mind when it came to doing work for him bc he rarely ever gave me something to do, then complains that I’m not looking out for the company when I’ve been working pretty damn hard to do what I was brought on to do. Not to mention he spouts republican bullshit about the left being lazy and ruining America. Now let’s get to the story:

You see my boss has been having health problems and has been in an out of the office a lot lately. I’m not one to pry so I go on about my business as usual. What I had heard was that he was using a colostomy bag. If you don’t know what that is you can probably guess from the title.

Today, when we were moving some stuff around to prepare for a presentation, I hear a big SPLAT on the floor between us. I look down and it’s a massive, runny, disgusting, smelly puddle that just hit the floor and splattered all around. Then I look up and it’s all pouring out of his stomach area where I knew the bag was. I was in shock. He immediately turns for the door to fix it but he tells me to clean up his SHIT. A BIG FUCKING PUDDLE OF IT!! I’m not sure what to do because there’s very little people in our office on a day to day and I’m not sure if there was anyone that really could have helped me but I had to wipe this puddle up with whatever towels I could find and mop with bleach to get the rancid smell to go away. I then leave early to go home and shower and try to forget about what just happened. I’m now typing this after completely cleaning my eyeballs and nostrils trying to figure out what to do next.

I already put in my two weeks and I was planning on finishing out my time but now I can’t stand to go back there after what happened. I have a bunch of PTO saved that I never used and I’m thinking of just cashing that all in and not going back. I also think this is fucked up and I want to file a complaint with HR but I know they only care about if it affects the cash flow so no hopes there.

What do you guys think, should I look into filing a complaint? Just leave and say I’m using my PTO? I’ve never dealt with a shitty situation like this and am still just shocked that it happened and I had to be the one to clean it up. This is not worth $16/hr.

Throwaway bc my other acct has my face

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