
how are you guys surviving?

my entire 2nd paycheck every month goes directly to my scumlord ($1400). 2 of us working for 15/hr 40+hrs a week, just to pay a landlord who is letting us live in a condo, which has a ceiling soaked in bat piss & poop cuz their is a bat problem in the rafters, for $1400. How the fuck are we supposed to keep living like this? Literally all my $ from my first paycheck goes to either food, bills, car repairs, gas & debt. The only extra $ i have is what i little i make turning my hobby (painting) into commission work. & all that goes directly into an emergency fund which ive had to use to cover rent when we got sick 1 month & had to miss 3 days of work. How do you guys survive? Any tips & encouragement appreciated! Much Love

my entire 2nd paycheck every month goes directly to my scumlord ($1400). 2 of us working for 15/hr 40+hrs a week, just to pay a landlord who is letting us live in a condo, which has a ceiling soaked in bat piss & poop cuz their is a bat problem in the rafters, for $1400.

How the fuck are we supposed to keep living like this?
Literally all my $ from my first paycheck goes to either food, bills, car repairs, gas & debt.

The only extra $ i have is what i little i make turning my hobby (painting) into commission work. & all that goes directly into an emergency fund which ive had to use to cover rent when we got sick 1 month & had to miss 3 days of work.

How do you guys survive? Any tips & encouragement appreciated!

Much Love

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