
Job Offer Dilemma – Advice Needed

I am in management for a large company and until recently, I loved my job and co-workers. We got a new CMO and as cancer does, the office environment is now toxic and I'm being micor-managed to no end with little direction or tools to be successful in my role. Needless to say, I've begun applying elsewhere. Yesterday, I received an offer for a decent job that will pay me roughly $13K more than I make now. I am also in the process of interviewing for a job that will pay me substantially higher and also come fully remote, though I likely would not get an offer for at least three weeks should I receive one. The moral dilemma… I need to get out of my current role and environment, so I plan to take the role that was offered. However, if the other job makes an offer, the pay…

I am in management for a large company and until recently, I loved my job and co-workers. We got a new CMO and as cancer does, the office environment is now toxic and I'm being micor-managed to no end with little direction or tools to be successful in my role. Needless to say, I've begun applying elsewhere.

Yesterday, I received an offer for a decent job that will pay me roughly $13K more than I make now. I am also in the process of interviewing for a job that will pay me substantially higher and also come fully remote, though I likely would not get an offer for at least three weeks should I receive one.

The moral dilemma… I need to get out of my current role and environment, so I plan to take the role that was offered. However, if the other job makes an offer, the pay and WFH would entice me to take it, thus leaving the first job high and dry after only a couple weeks.

Morally, I would feel terrible for doing this. However, I need to think about what's best for my family and I and the second role, should I get it, would set us up very nicely.

What would you do/what should I do if I get that second offer?

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