
What is life in America? Is this really it? Is this really what working is ‘supposed’ to look like

The jobs, I mean they're just terrible. $10/hr for a part time job that lists they'll make you full time but not enough to 'qualify' as full time. 35 applications in a short span but I'm hearing it takes 300! 300 for a job I don't want that will abuse my labor and pay me dirt, wow. All with years of college experience to do a job that's been open 5 months for nothing, pay not worth my time or labor and it doesn't go through. And what is there even if I get it? Why, when life is so awful I don't want to go through another day of what feels like a collapsing country would I go try and start a 'career', to end up in 15, 20 years barely keeping my head above water, never owning a house while the government throughs their hands up The pandemic…

The jobs, I mean they're just terrible. $10/hr for a part time job that lists they'll make you full time but not enough to 'qualify' as full time.

35 applications in a short span but I'm hearing it takes 300! 300 for a job I don't want that will abuse my labor and pay me dirt, wow. All with years of college experience to do a job that's been open 5 months for nothing, pay not worth my time or labor and it doesn't go through. And what is there even if I get it?

Why, when life is so awful I don't want to go through another day of what feels like a collapsing country would I go try and start a 'career', to end up in 15, 20 years barely keeping my head above water, never owning a house while the government throughs their hands up

The pandemic is still raging and it's like its not happening. And if you're unhappy, because there's not a job worth a damn that won't crush your soul for dirt pay, won't micomanage you until you're a cog then what is the answer? You're not coping well enough is the answer we get

Yeah I've tried the meds, I've tried a bunch of them and the therapy and the treatments. What if it's just so fucking bleak to live in this time, with 0 future prospects that are within reach without immense suffering that it's an appropriate response?

And the ladder's been pulled up, these generations, mine and the one coming up have no stake in America, no stake in why we should give a damn, there's nothing waiting on the other side. So many people hate their jobs it's unreal

And no one cares when the politicians openly support fascism, or target minority groups and transgender people. This whole thing works to make them rich, why the fuck would we want to work for them. But that's the catch right, no one wants to

Threat of literal starvation, death and poverty are the only things keeping this running. I'm just so tired, of this bulllshit illusion everyone likes to put on, like its not rotten wood underneath the entire fabric of America, like it isn't falling apart in real time around us

And they're dumb, all the people profiting off our backs, they're taking and taking and taking until you'd be lucky to not die in debt from cancer from your unregulated food in the richest country in the world, one that pretends that a million people haven't died from a preventable virus while small countries find cures for cancer. It's just unreal, it's asinine to keep this up

I don't want to live in America, I don't want to work here or support here but I'm chained here, just like a lot of us are. It's so sick, what is there to look to in the future if not revolt?

The generations before, the sheer cruelty of capitalism has made it one of very few options, there's not much left from where I'm standing

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