
Time off requests

Hi everyone! I need advice as I don’t know if I’m over reacting or not. I put in for 4 days off in November for my birthday. My boss came to me today to say that she didn’t think she could approve it. She then proceeded to give me a bunch of excuses why she didn’t think she could approve it despite us hiring someone specifically to help with my job while I’m gone. The icing on the cake was her throwing in my face that I told her I wasn’t available to work on my days off (we have set schedules that don’t vary, but she requested that I attend a meeting on a day not in our regular schedule), she didn’t ask if I could attend but instead told me that I needed to RSVP and add it to my calendar. I told her going forward I wasn’t…

Hi everyone! I need advice as I don’t know if I’m over reacting or not.

I put in for 4 days off in November for my birthday. My boss came to me today to say that she didn’t think she could approve it. She then proceeded to give me a bunch of excuses why she didn’t think she could approve it despite us hiring someone specifically to help with my job while I’m gone. The icing on the cake was her throwing in my face that I told her I wasn’t available to work on my days off (we have set schedules that don’t vary, but she requested that I attend a meeting on a day not in our regular schedule), she didn’t ask if I could attend but instead told me that I needed to RSVP and add it to my calendar. I told her going forward I wasn’t available to work on my days off. That made me “not a team player”. Before I could even get a word in about that, she said ifshe approved this, I would be taking a total of 4 weeks off this year and that was a lot of time off. She told me that she had to think about it and would let me know next week. Total, including this time off, I will have had 17 days off for 2022 not including our regular days off and holidays. 10 days will be consecutive and the rest we scattered throughout the year, no more than 2 days at a time. I don’t think that is unreasonable. In addition, I am a responsible employee, I have only called out sick twice in the last year and I’m never late/not getting my work done. This conversation made me want to quit, honestly. Am I overreacting??

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