
should I quit now or hold out?

I've worked at a grocery store for the past 10 months, think discount store from Germany. After one week there, I was depressed and in pain from the NINE HOUR shifts 5 days a week. so, I switched to 3 days a week and felt better. however, I still really hated it. Incompetent managers, entitled customers abusing me daily, coworker drama… A few months ago, the store manager decided call outs were a no-no. one of my coworkers had very legit reasons for calling out, even just once, and got in trouble. then they needed their hours and days of the week to be adjusted, causing the store manager to cut their hours from 5/week to 3. we make more than minimum wage by a few dollars, but they couldn't afford anything with 3 days a week. also the blatant favoritism, a different coworker no-call no-showed for like four days…

I've worked at a grocery store for the past 10 months, think discount store from Germany. After one week there, I was depressed and in pain from the NINE HOUR shifts 5 days a week. so, I switched to 3 days a week and felt better. however, I still really hated it. Incompetent managers, entitled customers abusing me daily, coworker drama…

A few months ago, the store manager decided call outs were a no-no. one of my coworkers had very legit reasons for calling out, even just once, and got in trouble. then they needed their hours and days of the week to be adjusted, causing the store manager to cut their hours from 5/week to 3. we make more than minimum wage by a few dollars, but they couldn't afford anything with 3 days a week.

also the blatant favoritism, a different coworker no-call no-showed for like four days in a row and nothing happened, no write ups and no nothing.

at the same time, the store manager keeps asking, borderline begging me to work 5 days a week. each time I tell him no, I can't physically or mentally handle it. he begs because we're so short staffed since people keep quitting, wonder why … also, I have BAD anxiety which has caused me to leave early at least twice. I got written up for anxiety hindering my performance, so they let me request an accomodation. that was months ago, and I have heard NOTHING from anyone yet.

I also found out that part time employees only get 2 sick days per year, while full timers get 9. it is a law in my state that all employees, regardless of part or full time, position, whatever else, get accrual of sick hours that caps at 40 hours. All associates at my company get paid time off accrual, but it's confusing because sick leave and PTO should be separated, no?

not to mention the pressure by this same store manager gets heavier every day. he wants the associates to be extra careful and diligent while ringing people up, as we've been losing money from slip ups while checking out. sorry, but I'm not about to do any of that extra BS for a job I hate.

the only reason I'd want to hold out for a little longer is because I have a goal of how much I wanna save up before I start school again. also my family would be furious that I quit, but I don't really give a shit about them.

I really want to quit, so so bad. but if I don't get financial aid for school, I might be stuck there and I'll just have to start school in another year. (for the record, I don't plan on working while I'm in school, i get overwhelmed wayyy too easily for that to work.) advice? thanks in advance.

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