
Can I vent for a minute?

My mom is 50 yr old Vet and she has a genetic condition that makes her teeth brittle and break apart. She started work for a company that is actually pretty decent to her and she has dental insurance now from them. We look into it and the dental insurance wont cover ANY of the work to fix just any amount of her teeth so she can fucking eat. She's in pain constantly and it's going to cost thousands just to help her. What the FUCK is dental insurance even for if its not going to at least do SOMETHING to help her. I make $16/hr with some commission. I've been in college for 7 years so far for a 4 year degree because I make just enough to not get government aid apparently so I take one or two classes in evening out of pocket, but to what end?…

My mom is 50 yr old Vet and she has a genetic condition that makes her teeth brittle and break apart. She started work for a company that is actually pretty decent to her and she has dental insurance now from them. We look into it and the dental insurance wont cover ANY of the work to fix just any amount of her teeth so she can fucking eat. She's in pain constantly and it's going to cost thousands just to help her. What the FUCK is dental insurance even for if its not going to at least do SOMETHING to help her.

I make $16/hr with some commission. I've been in college for 7 years so far for a 4 year degree because I make just enough to not get government aid apparently so I take one or two classes in evening out of pocket, but to what end? Late last year my dad was arrested for domestic abuse and all of her money has been going to deal with that shit and for her therapy and counseling and so she doesn't lose her house. I cant even help my mom and I'm just so angry at the system. Its killing our mothers and I feel so helpless.

Anyway, just wanted to add my voice. This system sucks.

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