
You owe us!

I do not care if I have been working with your company for five years, I don't owe you shit. My schedule is NOT negotiable and I am not asking, I am telling. I don't owe you more of my time because you are either too lazy or incompetent to hire/reschedule other staff members. I give you my labour and you pay me, that's how this transaction works. I owe you FUCK ALL! edit:grammar

I do not care if I have been working with your company for five years, I don't owe you shit. My schedule is NOT negotiable and I am not asking, I am telling. I don't owe you more of my time because you are either too lazy or incompetent to hire/reschedule other staff members. I give you my labour and you pay me, that's how this transaction works. I owe you FUCK ALL!


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