
Help Finding a New Position

Long story short, my wife currently works at a well-known regional non-profit as a donor relations specialist. However those on the board have been rather old-fashioned and inflexible (old white rich out of touch. You know the type). Even though she could easily do everything from home, she is forced to commute an hour into the office, every day but one day a week (where she works from home). She has worked there over a year and has asked for a greater salary (she is underpaid for the area) as well as greater time off and more teleworking opportunities. They gave her half of the salary she asked for but nothing else. This has led her to be searching for months for a new job (preferably full time remote) but without any luck. She does have her bachelor's degree in Cultural Anthropology. I lucked into a unicorn of a work…

Long story short, my wife currently works at a well-known regional non-profit as a donor relations specialist. However those on the board have been rather old-fashioned and inflexible (old white rich out of touch. You know the type).

Even though she could easily do everything from home, she is forced to commute an hour into the office, every day but one day a week (where she works from home).

She has worked there over a year and has asked for a greater salary (she is underpaid for the area) as well as greater time off and more teleworking opportunities. They gave her half of the salary she asked for but nothing else.

This has led her to be searching for months for a new job (preferably full time remote) but without any luck. She does have her bachelor's degree in Cultural Anthropology.

I lucked into a unicorn of a work place myself and like my job and employers. Unfortunately I don't make enough money for us to be super comfortable on my salary alone and my workplace cant hire her. We could technically maybe make it work on my salary along if needed. But it would be rather difficult, especially with all the price gouging companies are doing these days, and the cost of renting going up every year (yay capitalism /s). We are in the cheapest apartments in the area, and getting a house is so beyond our ability it's not even funny. So lowering our spending is rather difficult.

How are you guys finding employment/ways to make money that dont result in being treated like crap? And what can I do as her spouse to best support her?

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