
Payroll tried to intimidate me. Lol.

So I've been going over my old pay stubs, and it turns out my employer has been skimming my checks. I'm supposed to get 18.50 an hour but most my checks are coming out to 18.20-18.40. Doesnt seem like much right? But over the course of months it adds up. I went in to talk to payroll on Friday and get it straightened out, and they had the AUDACITY to tell me that its cuz I'm working for flat rates with clients that only need 1-3 hours of caretaking. (I'm an in home caregiver.) She even tried to bully me about it… I told her “look, when I was hired I agreed to 18.50 hourly you and the company agreed to a flat rate. I didn't. That sounds like a YOU problem and not a ME problem. This needs to be fixed, and as soon as possible I'd like all…

So I've been going over my old pay stubs, and it turns out my employer has been skimming my checks. I'm supposed to get 18.50 an hour but most my checks are coming out to 18.20-18.40. Doesnt seem like much right? But over the course of months it adds up. I went in to talk to payroll on Friday and get it straightened out, and they had the AUDACITY to tell me that its cuz I'm working for flat rates with clients that only need 1-3 hours of caretaking. (I'm an in home caregiver.) She even tried to bully me about it… I told her “look, when I was hired I agreed to 18.50 hourly you and the company agreed to a flat rate. I didn't. That sounds like a YOU problem and not a ME problem. This needs to be fixed, and as soon as possible I'd like all my pay stubs, the employee handbook, and my onboarding paperwork sent to my email so I can review it and do my own math.”

I was honestly hoping it was a mistake, but after being bullied and brushed aside I was having none of that noise. I'm almost 30 and this is definitely not my first job. Don't test me.

Wouldn't you know it? They called me this morning and said that they're reviewing all my hours since I worked there and adjusting my pay and it will reflect on my upcoming check. Which means payroll knew and was hoping I could be bullied into backing down. XD bitch I've been bullied my whole life, you think that will phase me? So ya my next check will be bigger than usual.

Remember kids, know your worth, and call them out when you know something is wrong. In the words of Tom Petty, dont back down. 🙂 have a good day everyone! I know I will!

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