
How the hell am I supposed to want to work if they won’t train me?

I just don't understand why a big company spends a lot of money on training to simply join meetings and send links. There is little actual training taking place. They give you the tools, an overview, you watch a few people do it and then they expect you can ti sink or swim. I think it's fun for them because they get to watch some squirm and suffer knowing it doesn't matter. Enough will stay to put warm bodies in the seats so that they can give 2 fucks about the people who need a little more time to get it or different training methods. They don't ask you if you're comfortable. They feel like the amount of employees that would take advantage of the grace and just keep putting off starting to fly solo far outweigh the people who may have undiagnosed ADHD or simply have different needs in…

I just don't understand why a big company spends a lot of money on training to simply join meetings and send links. There is little actual training taking place. They give you the tools, an overview, you watch a few people do it and then they expect you can ti sink or swim. I think it's fun for them because they get to watch some squirm and suffer knowing it doesn't matter. Enough will stay to put warm bodies in the seats so that they can give 2 fucks about the people who need a little more time to get it or different training methods. They don't ask you if you're comfortable. They feel like the amount of employees that would take advantage of the grace and just keep putting off starting to fly solo far outweigh the people who may have undiagnosed ADHD or simply have different needs in terms of how the instructions are presented to them. Everyone is different, yet there is no individual one on one training until a worker is fully equipped to handle the basic tasks of the typical workday. I think it's unprofessional. I think it's indicative of a corporation that puts dollar signs before employee and customer satisfaction. I think it's not the way to live. What the fuck is so wrong with the idea of 4 day work weeks with 45 minutes meal periods??? Hour is too long. 30 isn't long enough. 5 days is too much back and forth for the office. 4 is just right at the same amount of hours per week. 3 day workweek even if you can swing that. couple 10-15 minute unpaid breaks. Everyone respecting each others wants and needs. Good communication. Faster meetings (and less of them. Why can we not all just have it this way??

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