
Idiot co-worker.

So a co-worker of mine came in to work sick last week. He knew he was sick and came in anyway. So now this week guess who has COVID? I do. And now this same moron has the nerve to get mad at me cause I refuse to come in while battling COVID. Like dude, unlike you, I'm not gonna risk coming in and risk either making myself sicker or getting the whole staff sick. Then again he has this outdated boomer mindset where he thinks working 60+ hours a week is some kind of brag. Thankfully I've got a much better job lined up in the near future.

So a co-worker of mine came in to work sick last week. He knew he was sick and came in anyway. So now this week guess who has COVID? I do. And now this same moron has the nerve to get mad at me cause I refuse to come in while battling COVID. Like dude, unlike you, I'm not gonna risk coming in and risk either making myself sicker or getting the whole staff sick. Then again he has this outdated boomer mindset where he thinks working 60+ hours a week is some kind of brag. Thankfully I've got a much better job lined up in the near future.

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