
Boss changing my wages, advice?

When I started this job, I was put on salary for a certain amount per year, in writing. After 4 and a half years, I've not so much as seen or heard of any intent to give me a raise. Now my boss approached me last night to let me know we need to talk in the future about putting me on hourly. Thing is, we're understaffed, and the boss refuses to open up another day (we're only open 4). He says he's operating at a loss, but I've ran the numbers and can't get my head around that. If I go hourly, at the rate he is offering, my income is effectively halved. I don't forsee him taking the number I need, not even my lowest. Anyone have any legal resources that can help me figure out how to negotiate my wages effectively? I'd like to keep this job,…

When I started this job, I was put on salary for a certain amount per year, in writing. After 4 and a half years, I've not so much as seen or heard of any intent to give me a raise. Now my boss approached me last night to let me know we need to talk in the future about putting me on hourly. Thing is, we're understaffed, and the boss refuses to open up another day (we're only open 4). He says he's operating at a loss, but I've ran the numbers and can't get my head around that. If I go hourly, at the rate he is offering, my income is effectively halved. I don't forsee him taking the number I need, not even my lowest.

Anyone have any legal resources that can help me figure out how to negotiate my wages effectively? I'd like to keep this job, but if he serves me a notice changing my wages, then it's either I accept and show up or don't accept and probably forfeit my ability to claim unemployment.

-US, Mi

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