
Work wanted to keep our holiday pay

As i was on vacation last weekend and the first two days of this past week, work decided they wanted to keep our holiday pay from Memorial Day. My coworkers let the floor flood with tasks and then acted in a silent protest, where one coworker who felt it was his duty to call the incident to supervisor’s attention proceeded in blaming everyone who wasn’t working. Middle of the week and we’re told as a group that was the incorrect information about the holiday. I talked to said coworker today about it and he knows it’s an ongoing problem with our upper middle management and employer, but still felt like it was his job to snitch/rat. I said “we get paid the same except (supervisor’s name), why couldn’t you have just turned your radio off and protested silently with them” to which I got the same answer and continuous blame…

As i was on vacation last weekend and the first two days of this past week, work decided they wanted to keep our holiday pay from Memorial Day. My coworkers let the floor flood with tasks and then acted in a silent protest, where one coworker who felt it was his duty to call the incident to supervisor’s attention proceeded in blaming everyone who wasn’t working. Middle of the week and we’re told as a group that was the incorrect information about the holiday.
I talked to said coworker today about it and he knows it’s an ongoing problem with our upper middle management and employer, but still felt like it was his job to snitch/rat.
I said “we get paid the same except (supervisor’s name), why couldn’t you have just turned your radio off and protested silently with them” to which I got the same answer and continuous blame on others.
It seems like something has been brewing too long at this place and we’re going to continue to lose good workers and good contracts because of it. How can we gather more of our current workers into an umbrella of solidarity and bring our concerns as a group to management instead of just one or two people with individual concerns?
Should it come with educating others on the written details of being in a Right to Work state?

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