
Don’t want my position anymore

I’m an traveling service technician for a small company that makes medical cabinets and refrigerators. I’ve been working here for going on 4 years now. The company was always poorly managed but in 2020 during COVID is when things really got out of control and since then haven’t gotten better. The company fired people but never hired anyone to fill the positions and it made it to a point where every person here is fulfilling the role of 2 or more people. We are incredibly short on resources and understaffed. My position requires me to service and install our equipment at hospitals and pharmacies across the US. It’s come to a point where I am absolutely miserable with my position. It has completely overrun my personal life and I am no longer interested in doing it anymore. I am overrun with service visits since I’m the only tech, the visits…

I’m an traveling service technician for a small company that makes medical cabinets and refrigerators. I’ve been working here for going on 4 years now. The company was always poorly managed but in 2020 during COVID is when things really got out of control and since then haven’t gotten better.

The company fired people but never hired anyone to fill the positions and it made it to a point where every person here is fulfilling the role of 2 or more people. We are incredibly short on resources and understaffed. My position requires me to service and install our equipment at hospitals and pharmacies across the US.

It’s come to a point where I am absolutely miserable with my position. It has completely overrun my personal life and I am no longer interested in doing it anymore. I am overrun with service visits since I’m the only tech, the visits are always very high stress and super bullshit tasks with zero support because I have no fucking resources because there’s people in the company who don’t do jack fucking shit.

All expenses for travel and meal must come out of my pocket and are reimbursed to me every other week, so basically I’m floating the little pay they give me (62k a year) every week until they pay me back. I have lost tons of money because of this from things like charges I didn’t see, overdraft fees from my bank from covering high expense trips and I didn’t have enough money in my account.

This is only a small insight to the big picture of how fucked this company and my position has been. To summarize, I have a ton of travel lined up for me next week and I just got back today (Friday) from traveling. I’m not stepping foot on another plane for this company as long as I live, I’m absolutely finished with this position.

My question for everyone is, what do I tell my boss? If there is another position I can fulfill at my company to keep working there, I would like to do that. If there isn’t, then I would be telling my boss well this is my two weeks notice, but I have trips planned for those two weeks which I will be refusing to go on.

Can anyone give some advice on how I should approach this situation? Because when I tell my boss that I won’t be doing these service visits that are all planned and lined up for me, it’s going to seriously complicate things for the company.

Like from what I think, they are literally going to be fucked from the moment I tell them Nope, I’m physically unable and willing to sit on another fucking 8 hour flight, spend my entire check on travel expenses, eating nothing but fast food, sleeping in shit hotels, exposed to high stress tasks and environments, also booking and managing all of my trips on my own.

It’s a ton of fucking work, I have no support, no help, I’m becoming physically ill from the stress of traveling, being away from home, eating a horrible diet, getting zero exercise (and I’m a full time bodybuilder which this company has robbed of me). So I’m fucking done and I want out. How do I approach? Thank you all, I love reading through this subreddit.

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