
Fast food rant: f you all

So I work for an establishment, I won't say where but they offer veggie items so guess. So you know how fast food work is notorious for people having horror stories of customers being rude? Well I knew it would happen, but not as often as it does everyday. My day today was great but also horrible which prompted me to make this post. I just need to rant. Customers are borderline abusive. It seriously amazes me the amount of entitlement some people have, like if I could I'd curse them out. Like unless you ever worked fast food, you'll truly never understand how truly entitled people are, I seriously cannot stress that enough. We get a lot of people who choose veggie items a lot like I can whole heartily say we make 500+ veggie items a day. I hate those people with a passion, not because of their…

So I work for an establishment, I won't say where but they offer veggie items so guess. So you know how fast food work is notorious for people having horror stories of customers being rude? Well I knew it would happen, but not as often as it does everyday. My day today was great but also horrible which prompted me to make this post. I just need to rant. Customers are borderline abusive. It seriously amazes me the amount of entitlement some people have, like if I could I'd curse them out. Like unless you ever worked fast food, you'll truly never understand how truly entitled people are, I seriously cannot stress that enough.

We get a lot of people who choose veggie items a lot like I can whole heartily say we make 500+ veggie items a day. I hate those people with a passion, not because of their dietary restrictions but how entitled they feel they are. We're only human, people fuck up so sometimes you get meat instead veggie but STOP SCREAMING at us. Holy fuck. Whenever taking orders they repeat 70 times that they want beef instead of veggie, I don't know to explain but the way they say it is just off to me, like I'm stupid or something. They also question me a lot on why an item says Beef instead of veggie like they don't see the “SB to Bn” thing. I'm tired of getting dirty looks followed by ” I asked for veggie not beef” fucking read the bottom damn. They're the worst customers we have.

Today some guy had the fucking audacity to order just 2 veggie items (no one's gonna fuck it up dude IT LITERALLY SAYS VEGGIE, our cooks aren't stupid, they also barely had orders as not many people were there) then after I take like 2 more orders he comes to me and half gives me his receipt and starts walking away by saying “can you make sure this is veggie for me?” It's an older man too. It was 10, dinning room was about to close soon, and I was working drive thru. I told this man , “your order is veggie, it will be veggie” and he was like “yes but just in case it's not, make sure it's veggie.” I tried to say ” well it will be veggie if it says it on there, if it's not they'll just remake it, I have to work drive thru” he got so mad. he's like “I don't want to come back if it's not veggie, I'm not going to drive thru.” blah blah blah. I just told him “I'm not saying you have to go to drive thru, I'm saying I'm working drive thru and can't really check on your food for you.” After back and work I said I would check. I didn't check. I would've but I didn't appreciate the way he was talking down to me, even other people at the store was looking at him weirdly. Where do you even get off talking to me like that? LITERALLY FUCK THAT GUY. If you've been burned enough times to have to ask the workers this (which rlly doesn't happen as often as people would think– well as long as I've been working there at least) then stop getting food from there. There was another guy, (at my store we have 2 veggie options ) he asked for one veggie options, made a whole big ass $40 order and had the nerve to ask to switch it to another because he heard that the veggie option he chose was made with some type of broth (idfk what that even means) like the workers had to remake this whole order. Fuck you 2. I hate people like this. Please ask workers for help if you need it so we can answer questions like this for you, or help you choose. We are literally paid to fucking help you, stop wasting everyone's time being indecisive.

I also hate the people adding last minute food items to drive thru orders. Stop fucking doing it, you suck. Or even worse, the mobile orders making an order after getting their orders. STOPPPPPPPPP IT OMFGGGGG. I'm tired of people asking for extra sauces. fuck you because you don't need 30 of them and most of the time it goes to waste honestly. God the worst offenders are people who order 10+ items through drive through. The very worst I got was 40 items. Go the fuck home please, make yourself a home cooked meal. I know it's for multiple people, but don't go through drive thru, it's annoying for everyone. The disrespect is real and shouldn't be normalized and it shouldn't be expected to workers to deal with it.

God and the doordashes??? Yeah after working fast food I'm never ordering from 3rd party delivery apps again. Doordashes/ uber eats/ grub hub, etc. are some of the worst people I've ever had the displeasure of speaking to. Literally everyone hides from them. If you don't like the wait, get a different job, they don't even pay that much like damn.

edit: I also hate being blamed when an order is wrong. I don't make the food, if your order is fucked up, it's not my fault. Speaking of orders, PLEASE FUCKING CHECK YOUR ORDERS WHEN I GODAMN ASK YOU TO.

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