
Why do so many people cater to former employers when they have new jobs lined up?

I've seen a lot of posts lately from people stating they are leaving their current job, have already interviewed and been accepted for a new career, but current employers are asking for personal or sensitive information: “What should I do?” Are people genuinely concerned with what their (soon to be) former employers are asking? You're leaving this company/job, you will no longer have ties to them for any reason. Financial, insurance, or otherwise. Why would someone worry about anything regarding that company again? If they ask for information about your new job, tell them to pound sand. What is your new salary, for HT reasons. Literally fuck right off. You need to thank the company in your two week notice, it's policy. You're lucky you're even getting a two week notice, I'll quit today. Try me. We are denying your two week notice. We want you to work for the…

I've seen a lot of posts lately from people stating they are leaving their current job, have already interviewed and been accepted for a new career, but current employers are asking for personal or sensitive information: “What should I do?”

Are people genuinely concerned with what their (soon to be) former employers are asking? You're leaving this company/job, you will no longer have ties to them for any reason. Financial, insurance, or otherwise. Why would someone worry about anything regarding that company again?

If they ask for information about your new job, tell them to pound sand.

What is your new salary, for HT reasons. Literally fuck right off.

You need to thank the company in your two week notice, it's policy. You're lucky you're even getting a two week notice, I'll quit today. Try me.

We are denying your two week notice. We want you to work for the next few months until we get your replacement. Also you need to train that replacement, who we hired for 20% more than you make.
Deny it all you want, it's just me telling you I won't be showing up after X date, and if that's a problem I can stop showing up a lot sooner.

Your employer doesn't own you, they can't tell you what you are allowed to do with your life. During work hours, do just what is required. Take your breaks. Take your lunches. Don't feel bad for calling out. Take your vacation(s). Always be looking for a better job with less work and more money.

Live your life as best you can. Your employer doesn't own you and you work them nothing outside of your working hours. Once you quit, that's it. No additional work, information, favors, or anything are due.

Take care and have a wonderful day you beautiful people.

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