
Must be something we could do

I work at Kroger for about 2 years now,union member, since I started I been in nothing less than a nightmare. From supervisors thinking they own us, threatening write ups and unemployment to adults being cut from the schedule to make room for the teenagers. Recently, I went over my boss head to the store manager to see if I could say anything about this BS. About a month later, myself and others are being cut hours like crazy. When we do ask to cover someone shifts we being told they don’t need us that early or late. I also been feeling like they been trying to make us quit from lack of hours, rumors been floating around that they do in fact trying to get rid of people. They must be something we can do, this entire work system is messed up. I can’t get a job because others…

I work at Kroger for about 2 years now,union member, since I started I been in nothing less than a nightmare. From supervisors thinking they own us, threatening write ups and unemployment to adults being cut from the schedule to make room for the teenagers. Recently, I went over my boss head to the store manager to see if I could say anything about this BS. About a month later, myself and others are being cut hours like crazy. When we do ask to cover someone shifts we being told they don’t need us that early or late. I also been feeling like they been trying to make us quit from lack of hours, rumors been floating around that they do in fact trying to get rid of people. They must be something we can do, this entire work system is messed up. I can’t get a job because others are hiring just not me. I have no idea what to do. I need help/ we all do. Not just Kroger employees

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