
laid off because i’m “not a good fit”

after seven months of nothing but praise and positive comments, getting along with coworkers and generally feeling great about my job, i get totally blindsided this morning and told i’m being laid off because i’m “not a good fit for the company”. i press and ask what they mean. no answer. no specifics. nothing to do with my work, but it’s not that they just don’t like me either. manager says “there are grey areas”. the fuck does that mean? “it’s a gut feeling.” i suspect they’re just cutting their budget but they can’t give me a straight answer. i can’t believe i thought it was a good place to work. just goes to show you can never trust any employer no matter how nice they seem. it’s a fucking trick.

after seven months of nothing but praise and positive comments, getting along with coworkers and generally feeling great about my job, i get totally blindsided this morning and told i’m being laid off because i’m “not a good fit for the company”.

i press and ask what they mean. no answer. no specifics. nothing to do with my work, but it’s not that they just don’t like me either. manager says “there are grey areas”. the fuck does that mean? “it’s a gut feeling.” i suspect they’re just cutting their budget but they can’t give me a straight answer.

i can’t believe i thought it was a good place to work. just goes to show you can never trust any employer no matter how nice they seem. it’s a fucking trick.

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