
suddenly bad at my job

For the past month or so I've been messing up daily at my job. It takes me longer to do things, im forgetting shit. My boss is totally over it. Shes never fired anyone before but she is so done with me. I drive an hour to work and I get in trouble in everyday. She wants to know how I can do better but I have no idea. Nothing in my life has changed. Its like I just suddenly started to suck. Ive decided to leave. Im just waiting to talk to my manager about how to approach our boss and how much notice to give. My boss always complains that 2 weeks isn't enough time in the pet grooming industry so we'll see. But shes literally told me twice before that if i don't start paying attention she'll send me home. So if she can just do that…

For the past month or so I've been messing up daily at my job. It takes me longer to do things, im forgetting shit. My boss is totally over it. Shes never fired anyone before but she is so done with me. I drive an hour to work and I get in trouble in everyday. She wants to know how I can do better but I have no idea. Nothing in my life has changed. Its like I just suddenly started to suck. Ive decided to leave. Im just waiting to talk to my manager about how to approach our boss and how much notice to give. My boss always complains that 2 weeks isn't enough time in the pet grooming industry so we'll see. But shes literally told me twice before that if i don't start paying attention she'll send me home. So if she can just do that than she doesn't need any notice.

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