
Update “I did a 14hour shift… my boss only counted 10h”: I WON !

Hey everyone, A while ago I made a very angry and bitter post at my piece of sh*t boss who counted less hours than I did for some stupid and borderline illegal reasons. Link to the post: Things turned out good so I'm doing a little update. So after cooling down, I contacted a friend who's studying law and especially labor law (she's almost a lawyer) and asked her for advices. She told me what my boss was doing was illegal and sent me laws and official documents to help me argue with my boss. I then texted the boss from hell that what she was doing was wrong and illegal and that I expected to get pay the amount I worked for, plus she was not following propers laws and regulations on a LOT of stuff. After a bunch of back and forth texts and calls where I…

Hey everyone,

A while ago I made a very angry and bitter post at my piece of sh*t boss who counted less hours than I did for some stupid and borderline illegal reasons. Link to the post:

Things turned out good so I'm doing a little update. So after cooling down, I contacted a friend who's studying law and especially labor law (she's almost a lawyer) and asked her for advices. She told me what my boss was doing was illegal and sent me laws and official documents to help me argue with my boss. I then texted the boss from hell that what she was doing was wrong and illegal and that I expected to get pay the amount I worked for, plus she was not following propers laws and regulations on a LOT of stuff. After a bunch of back and forth texts and calls where I was arguing and standing my ground, we finally reached an agreement and she paid me 17 hours on the 18 i was asking (I accpeted it because the hour less was for the times I was slightly late and stuff like that).

Not only that, but I think I scared the shit out of her so much that she also paid me stuff that she was supposed to pay, even if I didn't ask, let me explain. Idk if it's the same in the US, but where I live (France), if your employer breaks your contract before its term, he's supposed to pay you a certain amount of money. My boss decided to sold her business and stopped giving us hours and shift about 2 weeks before the end of my contract. I was fine with just it ending it like this, cause whatever, my contract was ending anyway, it was not as if I was fired. BUT since technically she ended my contract 2 weeks early, she paid me what she was supposed to. Also, while she was not paying me for my hours, my and my colleagues stole a bit of cash from the business lol.

Anyway, I was updating to say that arguing with your boss and standing your ground works. A lot of the time, they won't be stubborn enough to settle the matter in court, especially when they're not clean on everything. So as everyone told me (sometimes a bit harhsly lol) on my previous post: it is worth fighting your boss, never accept any mistreatement at work, they need us more than we need them

TLDR: i fought my boss with the help of a friend who study law, was so stubborn that I scared the boss into paying me and paying me some other stuff that I didn't ask for.

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