
I got my first raise ever in 7 years of working yesterday.

So it's kinda awesome I finally received a raise for once, but it also kind of highlights my past bad work experiences. I've been cheated out of promised wages, lied to about the work expected, laid off after busting my butt for 2 years at a job, then there's just the usual constant disrespect from basically all management. I've been a temp for most of my life so I expect to be treated like a burnt chewed up piece of gum, but I was thinking of selling all my things and moving into a tent to avoid the stress of working just the other day. So i'm just glad something good happened in my life for once so I wanted to share. Now I can afford food and rent .

So it's kinda awesome I finally received a raise for once, but it also kind of highlights my past bad work experiences. I've been cheated out of promised wages, lied to about the work expected, laid off after busting my butt for 2 years at a job, then there's just the usual constant disrespect from basically all management. I've been a temp for most of my life so I expect to be treated like a burnt chewed up piece of gum, but I was thinking of selling all my things and moving into a tent to avoid the stress of working just the other day. So i'm just glad something good happened in my life for once so I wanted to share. Now I can afford food and rent .

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