
Anywhere a hispanic girl can get good tips waitressing?

I know waitressing is a shitty job but I need a part time to get me through for a while. I already have a full time job + am a plasma donor. I’m trying to save up for a car and need extra cash quick bc im young and have no credit yet, been too scared of credit cards tbh. All my friends recommend me to be a waitress and I was a waitress for some time underage but most of my friends who tell me this are white or asian and I feel like they kind of have an advantage over me, I’m worried no one will want to tip me because i live in a racist state, my dad also mentioned this when I told him about possibly waitressing. I didn’t get great tips when I was young either but it might have been the place. I guess…

I know waitressing is a shitty job but I need a part time to get me through for a while. I already have a full time job + am a plasma donor. I’m trying to save up for a car and need extra cash quick bc im young and have no credit yet, been too scared of credit cards tbh.

All my friends recommend me to be a waitress and I was a waitress for some time underage but most of my friends who tell me this are white or asian and I feel like they kind of have an advantage over me, I’m worried no one will want to tip me because i live in a racist state, my dad also mentioned this when I told him about possibly waitressing. I didn’t get great tips when I was young either but it might have been the place. I guess any chain recommendations? Maybe Carlos O Kelly’s? Or tips on how to do my makeup or hair to get better tips?

ETA I am 19, no one can co-sign for me so pls do not recommend that, I have my heart set on a 2nd job to support this financial decision.

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