
Boomers vs Millenials could be a myth.

For people like me , those ages 35-45 now at 2022, we have always been in the twillight zone between boomers and millenials. Not quite boomers, not much of a millenial, but having experienced both. All I can tell the full millenials out there , is that life is gonna suck on whichever age bracket you are in. The difference is in the flavour and brand. Boomers faced a different problem then and millenials are facing a whole new set of problems now . It is what it is. Everyone is forced adapt. The sad part is that it is gonna get worse for the each generation. Trends will cycle faster thanks to technology, our kids will have to adapt faster, move faster, cram more, do more, face harsher environments, stiffer competition, fight for dwindling resources, and still receive way less than we do now. Then millenials will become the…

For people like me , those ages 35-45 now at 2022, we have always been in the twillight zone between boomers and millenials. Not quite boomers, not much of a millenial, but having experienced both.

All I can tell the full millenials out there , is that life is gonna suck on whichever age bracket you are in. The difference is in the flavour and brand. Boomers faced a different problem then and millenials are facing a whole new set of problems now . It is what it is. Everyone is forced adapt.

The sad part is that it is gonna get worse for the each generation. Trends will cycle faster thanks to technology, our kids will have to adapt faster, move faster, cram more, do more, face harsher environments, stiffer competition, fight for dwindling resources, and still receive way less than we do now. Then millenials will become the new boomers.

Be it democracy, socialism or communisn, there will always be a group at the top and masses below. The have and have nots. Only the title changes. A communist Jeff Bezos would be an oligarch, using cheap labor from gulags instead of below living wage workers. Both are equally forced to work.

I fully support antiwork but I wonder what will the movement achieve or evolve to in the near future. It would be great if the world would end up in a advanced utopian future like Star Trek but chances of an alien race of Romulans being the catalyst of change is highly unlikely. We are on the road to dystopia.

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