
Never work for family

I worked for my brother in law doing landscaping and stone work for the last three years. Summers were nice, because my parents are snowbirds- live in Florida during the winter and come back to Maine in the spring. They set up their camper at the shop – so it’s nice to see them every day. I had a conversation with an employee – big mistake- that employee went to my brother in law and told him what I said – obviously out of context. The subject matter of the conversation was family related- not work related- and a couple days later – on a job site, my brother in law/boss started making snide comments in front of everyone about me not liking him. I finally had enough of the comments and asked him what his problem was – and he fired me. I’ve yet to see that side of…

I worked for my brother in law doing landscaping and stone work for the last three years. Summers were nice, because my parents are snowbirds- live in Florida during the winter and come back to Maine in the spring. They set up their camper at the shop – so it’s nice to see them every day.

I had a conversation with an employee – big mistake- that employee went to my brother in law and told him what I said – obviously out of context.

The subject matter of the conversation was family related- not work related- and a couple days later – on a job site, my brother in law/boss started making snide comments in front of everyone about me not liking him.

I finally had enough of the comments and asked him what his problem was – and he fired me.

I’ve yet to see that side of my family – niece, nephew, sister.

I barely see my parents now. Seems like they are taking sides.

Don’t work for family. And don’t trust your coworkers.

I’m now broke , unemployed and can’t find a job anywhere. I’ve just been doing lawn mowing and painting here and there to survive. This guy ruined my life – I went all winter without any money because the idiot never sent in my unemployment paperwork. He knew how much of a struggle I’ve had to make ends meet- and he fires me.

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