
Noticing that the shittiest jobs are the ones that make you jump through the most hoops during the application process.

Been noticing a trend in the area I live: any job that is worth a damn has a streamlined application process that's easy and highly alienating… but it's a send it and forget it because they take MONTHS to even start the interview process and don't give you any contact information to follow up on where they're at in their decision. (like one sent me an email after a 1.5 months saying my application received a score of 88 and I was placed third in an eligibility list. Not a notice that I was selected for an interview, no, just that i'm eligible for an interview…) But the jobs that are URGENTLY HIRING are the ones that want you to PROVE you want the job… the ones with the highest turn over and have shit pay, the ones that are just a placeholder until you can land one of those…

Been noticing a trend in the area I live: any job that is worth a damn has a streamlined application process that's easy and highly alienating… but it's a send it and forget it because they take MONTHS to even start the interview process and don't give you any contact information to follow up on where they're at in their decision. (like one sent me an email after a 1.5 months saying my application received a score of 88 and I was placed third in an eligibility list. Not a notice that I was selected for an interview, no, just that i'm eligible for an interview…)

But the jobs that are URGENTLY HIRING are the ones that want you to PROVE you want the job… the ones with the highest turn over and have shit pay, the ones that are just a placeholder until you can land one of those good jobs 6 months later… They're the ones that want you to show “initiative” follow up multiple times, answer their shit questionnaires as if you woke up one day as a bright-eyed and optimistic 5 year old and KNEW from that day on, your DREAM was to be a Customer Service Representative for -insert generic faceless corporation-

I just need a fricken paycheck and you need someone to not burn down the place while they are there… why is this so fucking complicated?

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