
sorry.. not sorry

i see my co-workers only as losers. they are taking their work so seriously, backstabbing people, talking behind their back, passive aggressive comments all day everyday, all that because they have some unfulfilled need for attention they are trying to compensate and find in the workplace. i have never worked in an environment where those CRAZY people are not there and it's annoying. you are basically A SLAVE and enjoying being a slave makes you a loser, at least in my eyes. i just care about the paycheck, it's what i get paid to exist with those lunatics in a same place, the work is something i do to make time pass, nothing more.

i see my co-workers only as losers. they are taking their work so seriously, backstabbing people, talking behind their back, passive aggressive comments all day everyday, all that because they have some unfulfilled need for attention they are trying to compensate and find in the workplace. i have never worked in an environment where those CRAZY people are not there and it's annoying. you are basically A SLAVE and enjoying being a slave makes you a loser, at least in my eyes. i just care about the paycheck, it's what i get paid to exist with those lunatics in a same place, the work is something i do to make time pass, nothing more.

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