
Audio recording inside work van without permission

Throwaway acct used so I don't dox myself or my partner. My partner works for a company that makes cannabis edibles. About a month ago, he and his coworker discovered a camera in the van (they use this to transport product and to travel between the different kitchens they have) where there wasn't one before. My partner has some pretty severe trauma with being video taped, so that was a little triggering for him but whatever, understandable if they were having issues with theft or something. Owner still should've let them know imo. They jokingly said multiple times that they don't consent to audio recording, but still assumed it was video only so they were talking freely. She is already crazy af and does some shady business tbh, so they have talked about how she's a bitch. They also mentioned something about some weed paraphernalia. She was looking at old…

Throwaway acct used so I don't dox myself or my partner.

My partner works for a company that makes cannabis edibles. About a month ago, he and his coworker discovered a camera in the van (they use this to transport product and to travel between the different kitchens they have) where there wasn't one before. My partner has some pretty severe trauma with being video taped, so that was a little triggering for him but whatever, understandable if they were having issues with theft or something. Owner still should've let them know imo.

They jokingly said multiple times that they don't consent to audio recording, but still assumed it was video only so they were talking freely. She is already crazy af and does some shady business tbh, so they have talked about how she's a bitch. They also mentioned something about some weed paraphernalia. She was looking at old footage because of some other guy she fired, and she must have heard them call her a bitch multiple times.

Well, she doesn't want them to know she's recording them, but she flipped out and talked to the manager (directly above my partner) about it. She tried to make it about the mention of paraphernalia. First off so fucking what? They're not smoking on the job, and you make weed candy! Second, it is clearly more about the fact that they called her a bitch when they didn't know they were being recorded. People should be allowed to talk shit about their bosses if they want lol.. it's part of owning your own business.

So the manager gave my partner a heads up about it but says no one is supposed to know about the recording. He feels extremely violated knowing that she is being purposefully sneaky and recording him like that. She's trying to keep it so that no one knows but also trying to find a reason to bitch them out about it lmao.

There was also a recent incident where they were making CBD candies, and they tested higher on THC than they were supposed to.. it was supposed to be 10 to 1 CBD to THC but it was probably closer to 1 to 1. SHE SAID TO SEND THEM OUT ANYWAY. Knowingly over dosing people on THC, people who are expecting CBD. Like wtf.

He's using sick time today and has already been looking for another job. This was the last straw for him.

Just wanted to vent about that, he's PISSED and its all he can talk about. I'm just so floored that she is being shady like that. Is it just us or is the recording thing shady af? Obviously the over dose is fucked up.

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